The above graph shows the distribution of wealth in the United States as compared to both what the American population thinks it is and what they consider to be the ideal distribution. While the actuality of wealth distribution comes as no surprise to me because of knowledge of Pareto's Principle, the fact remains that there is large amounts of inequality amongst the American public. And, we have been sold that a college education would free the average American from its shackles, that a college degree would promote economic mobility, that every child should have the right to a college education, that no child should be left behind, and no one would be denied from education because they could not afford it. However, college does the exact opposite. Rather, the higher education system in US has been systemically set up to perpetuate class reproduction for the elite, while leaving it simply a goal for middle class. While student loans are the most obvious example, there are countless other which I will discuss within my essay. Higher education isn't the solution to the inequality problem, its merely a contributing factor of the problem itself.
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